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Scanning electron microscopical examination of gonococcal urethral exudate.
  1. R D Klein,
  2. I L Roth,
  3. H S McCullough, Jr


    The relationship of gonococci and phagocytes in gonococcal urethral exudate was examined using a scanning electron microscope. Several stages in the phagocytic process were evident. These included pseudopodias, microvilli, and simple attachment of gonococci to phagocytic surfaces. Epithelial cells, also a part of the exudate, were examined in this study. Parallels are drawn between this and other phagocytic systems. The technique provides excellent preservation of phagocyte-bacterial interrelationships and offers a means of investigating the nature of the resistance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to phagocytosis.

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