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Managing STIs identified after testing outside genitourinary medicine departments: one model of care.
  1. L Haddon,
  2. J Heason,
  3. T Fay,
  4. M McPherson,
  5. E M Carlin,
  6. I H Jushuf
  1. Department of Genitourinary Medicine, Nottingham City Hospital.


OBJECTIVES: To develop a local strategy for managing cases of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) which have been identified in the departments of obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G). METHODS: Weekly notification from the local microbiology laboratory to genitourinary medicine (GUM) departments of all positive CT and GC results generated by tests performed in the two local O&G departments. Direct contact made by GUM departments to index patients identified and "fast track" appointments made. Data recorded for future audit include numbers attending, details of health adviser input, and success of contact tracing. RESULTS: Over 18 months, 294 women were identified and 231 (78%) attended GUM departments; 142 (48%) had received antibiotics before attending GUM departments and of these, 58 (41%) had risked reinfection by an untreated partner and 48 (20%) were found on screening to have a previously undiagnosed genital infection. Over 90% were interviewed by a health adviser. Appropriate follow up was achieved in 87% of index cases. Of the contacts, 194 were treated--150 in the local GUM department. Of these 150 men, 99 (66%) had an identifiable genital infection and 84% of those with CT/non-gonococcal urethritis were asymptomatic. There have been no complaints either formal or informal, by women managed by this system. CONCLUSIONS: GUM clinics are the ideal setting to achieve successful treatment of patients with sexually acquired infections, which must include notification and treatment of their partners if reinfection is to be avoided. For patients with infections diagnosed on other settings, such as O&G, a system of direct notification of results to GUM departments by an agreed protocol can be highly successful. For such a system to work, close cooperation and trust between departments is essential.

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