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Study of risk factors associated with HIV seropositivity in STD patients at Mumbai, India
  1. R B Pedhambkar1,
  2. B S Pedhambkar1,
  3. M M Kura2
  1. 1Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, Grant Medical College and Sir J J Group of Hospitals, Mumbai, India
  2. 2Department of Skin and STD
  1. Dr Mahendra M Kura, MD, Department of Skin and STD, GT Hospital, Grant Medical College, Mumbai, 400 001, India mkura{at}

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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV infection have major demographic, economic, social, and political impact particularly in Asia and Africa. Heterosexual promiscuity, homosexuality, multiple sex partners, and lack of condom use are some of the high risk behaviours.

Despite the extent of the STD problem and its contribution to the rapid spread of the HIV epidemic relatively few studies have been performed on HIV risk factors among men and women in India.


In all, 260 patients (210 males and 50 females) attending the STD clinic (J J Hospital) with genital lesions and or …

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