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BASHH STI and HIV courses
  1. Candice McDonald
  1. Correspondence to Dr Candice McDonald, Camberwell Sexual Health Centre, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, SE5 9RS, UK; candice.mcdonald{at}

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The British Association of Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) has a long history of delivering high-quality postgraduate training in sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV. The range of courses, workshops and training days are aimed to meet the training needs of all those working in sexual health and HIV, be they in primary care or in specialist services. The BASHH STI and HIV course has been well established for many years, and has be designed and developed to deliver the knowledge and skills required for clincians working at a more ‘specialist’ level than, for example, the STI Foundation (STIF) course.

The content of the course is pitched at the level of a 2nd year GUM/HIV Specialist Registrar (SpR) and, while doctors training in the speciality remain in the …

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