************************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************************ *** *** Replication .do file for: *** *** Perceived efficacy of HIV treatment-as-prevention among university students in Johannesburg, South Africa *** *** ************************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************************ * Import analytic dataset constructed in "KRPA TasP FINAL - 1 - Cleaning.do" * Analytic dataset will be made available by the authors for replication purposes cd "...[user provides]..." use "KRPA TasP Analytic Dataset.dta", clear ************************ ************************ *** *** Part 2. Analysis *** ************************ ************************ *FIGURE 1, BOXPLOT gen emptyvar = . graph box transmit transmit_art emptyvar transmit_1y transmit_art_1y, ytitle(Percent, size(medlarge) margin(0 2 0 0)) ylabel(,labsize(med)) /// title(Perceived chances of HIV transmission) subtitle(in serodiscordant couple having condomless sex) /// legend(order(1 "1 sex act" 2 "1 act, ART" 3 " " 4 "52 sex acts" 5 "52 acts, ART") size(med) col(5) symxsize(0) region(lc(white))) /// graphregion(color(white)) /// box(1, col(navy) fintens(50)) box(2, col(navy) fintens(50)) box(4, col(navy) fintens(50)) box(5, col(navy) fintens(50)) /// mar(1, mcol(navy) msiz(1)) mar(2, mcol(navy) msiz(1)) mar(4, mcol(navy) msiz(1)) mar(5, mcol(navy) msiz(1)) * SUPPL FIG 1 preserve keep transmit transmit_art transmit_1y transmit_art_1y gen n = _n rename transmit transmit0 rename transmit_art transmit1 rename transmit_1y transmit_1y0 rename transmit_art_1y transmit_1y1 reshape long transmit transmit_1y, i(n) j(art) byhist transmit, by(art) tw(ylabel(0(50)100, labsize(medlarge)) yscale(r(0 120)) xlabel(0(25)100, labsize(medlarge)) /// xtitle("Perceived likelihood of transmission (%)", size(large)) /// ytitle(,size(large)) legend(order(1 "No ART" 2 "With ART") pos(12) ring(0) symxsize(2) size(medlarge) region(lc(white))) graphregion(color(white)) /// subtitle(One condomless sex act, size(large))) tw1(lw(vthin)) tw2(lc(navy) lw(vthin) fc(navy) fi(inten20)) byhist transmit_1y, by(art) tw(ylabel(0(50)200, labsize(medlarge)) yscale(r(0 240)) xlabel(0(25)100, labsize(medlarge)) /// xtitle("Perceived likelihood of transmission (%)", size(large)) /// ytitle(,size(large)) legend(order(1 "No ART" 2 "With ART") pos(12) ring(0) symxsize(2) size(medlarge) region(lc(white))) graphregion(color(white)) /// subtitle("One year of weekly condomless sex (52 acts)", size(large))) tw1(lw(vthin)) tw2(lc(navy) lw(vthin) fc(navy) fi(inten20)) restore *TABLE 1, PERCEIVED RISKS su transmit*, detail *population average TasP Efficacy dis 1 - 73.1/87.9 *individual-specific TasP Efficacy su ART_prev_efficacy_1y, detail * SUPPL FIG 2 gen change_w_52 = transmit_1y - transmit hist change_w_52, w(5) start(-100) percent col(navy) fintens(50) graphregion(color(white)) /// ytitle(Percent of respondents, size(medlarge)) ylabel(, labsize(medlarge) nogrid) xtitle("Percentage point difference in risk, 52 vs. 1 sex act", size(medlarge)) /// xlabel(,labsize(medlarge)) gen change_w_ART = transmit_art_1y - transmit_1y hist change_w_ART, w(5) start(-100) percent col(navy) fintens(50) graphregion(color(white)) /// ytitle(Percent of respondents, size(medlarge)) ylabel(, labsize(medlarge) nogrid) xtitle("Percentage point difference in risk, ART vs. no ART (52 acts)", size(medlarge)) /// xlabel(,labsize(medlarge)) *FIGURE 2, HISTOGRAM OF TASP EFFICACY hist ART_prev_efficacy_1y , width(5) percent col(navy) fintens(50) graphregion(color(white)) /// ytitle(, size(medlarge)) ylabel(, labsize(medlarge) nogrid) xtitle(Percent reduction in transmission risk with ART, size(medlarge)) /// xlabel(,labsize(medlarge)) addplot(pci 0 96 45 96) legend(order(1 "Perceived efficacy of HIV treatment-as-prevention" 2 "Efficacy of treatment-as-prevention in HPTN-052 trial") pos(1) ring(0) region(lc(white)) col(1) symxsize(5)) *** TABLE S2, COLUNN 2 - SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS (DEMOGRAPHICS, TESTING HISTORY, QUAL BELIEFS, ETC) ** Tabulate variables (N, %, for column 2) tab gender, mi tab age_cat, mi tab prov, mi tab public_pvt_high, mi tab tuition2,mi tab housing, mi tab healthinsurance, mi tab food_secure, mi tab ses_index, mi tab months_test, mi tab hiv_index, mi tab HIVriskp_index1, mi tab arv_risk_reduction2, mi tab hiv_one_sexual_encounter2, mi tab hiv_sexual_frequency2, mi tab consequence_stop_hiv_tx___2, mi *** TABLE S2, COLUMN 3 AND 4 - MEAN PERCEIVED TASP EFFICACY BY GROUP AND P-VALUE *********descriptive analysis******************* tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( gender) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( age_cat) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( prov) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( public_pvt_high) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( tuition2) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( housing ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( healthinsurance ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( food_secure ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( ses_index) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( months_test ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( hiv_index ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( HIVriskp_index1 ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( arv_risk_reduction2 ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( hiv_one_sexual_encounter2 ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( hiv_sexual_frequency2 ) stat (mean SD) mi tabstat ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( consequence_stop_hiv_tx___2 ) stat (mean SD) mi **************descriptive analysis************** kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( gender) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( age_cat) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( prov) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( public_pvt_high) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( tuition2 ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( housing) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( healthinsurance) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( food_secure ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( ses_index ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( months_test) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( hiv_index ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( HIVriskp_index1 ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( arv_risk_reduction2 ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( hiv_one_sexual_encounter2 ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( hiv_sexual_frequency2 ) kwallis ART_prev_efficacy_1y, by ( consequence_stop_hiv_tx___2 )