
22 e-Letters

published between 2018 and 2021

  • Food for thought in PID treatment

    The study by Dean et al. (1) on the treatment of PID was complicated and thought-provoking. Could it be that "mild" PID comprised many cases that were not PID at all? This issue bedevilled studies in the past, so why not here? Am I right in thinking that randomisation was used to try to maintain an evenness of disease severity between the two treatment arms, that is standard (SoC) with ofloxacin plus metronidazole, and an intervention arm (IA) with intramuscular ceftriaxone plus azithromycin and metronidazole? This is an important point when the outcome of each arm is to be compared. Presumably, after diagnosis treatment began without delay, not waiting for the results of microbiological tests which, in fact, showed M.genitalium in about 10% of cases in each arm, a proporttion seen by others (3) in acute PID. Standard treatment was judged to be slightly superior to the alternative treatment. Tests of microbiological cure 6 to 8 weeks after the study started showed a few azithromycin- resistant cases of M.genitalium, roughly comparable in the two arms. Not being aware of this at the start of treatment seems excusable. The reader must also realize that it was a situation experienced up to 9 years ago before an abrupt termination of the study. Today the scene is different, resistance of M.genitalium to azithromycin and other antibiotics being common (4). It has become clear that M.genitalium should be sought early followed rapidly by treatment guided by nothing othe...

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  • Comment on “Is COVID-19 affecting the epidemiology of STIs? The experience of syphilis in Rome”

    Dear editor,
    We thank Dr. Latini et al. for providing the data for the potential effects of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on sexual lifestyle and epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).1 In the study the author highlighted the importance to check the lasting effects of SARS-CoV-2 on STIs. As China is the first country to generally alleviate lockdown of most cities since beginning of April and the returns to usual lifestyle for nearly 6 months, we’re able to tract the epidemiology of STIs during the post-outbreak period in China.
    According to the monthly report disclosed by Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Accessed from http://www.nhc.gov.cn/jkj/pqt/new_list.shtml), during the lockdown period of the first quarter, the number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV, syphilis and gonorrhea were 9695, 102273 and 16439, which reduced substantially by 27.3%, 19.3% and 38.2% compared to the previous year. After lockdown alleviation, the number of new cases returned, but not exceeding the previous years. The total new cases of HIV, syphilis and gonorrhea changed by -4.4%, -5.6% and -18.9% in the second quarter and -7.8%, -9.5% and +0.7% in the third quarter compared with 2019, respectively. As the number of new STIs in China is constantly growing in the past years, the reduction of new cases of STIs in 2020 after lockdown alleviation indicates a lasting effect of SARS-CoV-2. This may result from...

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  • Authors response to Loebers eLetter

    We apologise for the delay in responding to your letter. We were only recently notified of this by email. Thank you for taking the time to construct your letter in response to our published short report, to which you raise several points which require addressing.

    Firstly we feel it is important to highlight that although this service evaluation focussed specifically on HIV, we acknowledged that the HIV sampling kit was part of a more comprehensive STI kit (syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhoea tests). We were upfront with this fact in our report, and therefore refute the claim by the responder that our paper failed to consider the wider test portfolio required by sexual health screening services.

    Of greater concern to us, we note a major error in the calculations from the data provided by the responders for their “RRR” and “HIV result obtained/ STI kit requested” values. This is important, as the foundation of their concluding statement is based on this error. The responder's have incorrectly used the number of returned kits (256,717) instead of the number of requested kits (319,485) in calculating the RRR (request-to-return ratio) and the “HIV result obtained/STI kit requested” proportion. Applying the correct calculation, the RRR value using the responder's data is not 1.36 (256,717/188,187) but 1.70 (319,485/188,187). The “HIV result obtained/STI kit requested” proportion using the correct calculation is 58.9% (188,187/319,485) and not 73.3%...

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  • Management of asymptomatic Mycoplasma genitalium to mitigate the threat of drug resistance

    Peter J White, MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis & Modelling and NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Modelling and Health Economics, Imperial College London.
    Other Contributors:
    Joanna Lewis, MRC Centre for Outbreak Analysis & Modelling, Imperial College London.
    Paddy J Horner, Population Health Sciences, and NIHR Health Protection Research Unit in Behavioural Science and Evaluation, University of Bristol.

    Pitt et al. commented “asymptomatic patients are not recommended for M. genitalium testing except sexual contacts... The current approach might need rethinking if asymptomatic infections are found to be an important reservoir for AMR and/or a source of infection and disease”.[1]
    Recent analysis of the POPI cohort found 4.9% (95%CrI 0.4%–14.1%) of M. genitalium infections in women progressed to pelvic inflammatory disease, compared with 14.4% (5.9%–24.6%) of Chlamydia trachomatis infections.[2] Combined with its lower prevalence this means that M. genitalium is a much less important cause of disease in women than C. trachomatis.[2]
    There is considerable uncertainty in the natural history and epidemiology of M. genitalium,[3] and we don’t know the importance of asymptomatic infection in transmission. Low bacterial load might limit infectivity but a long duration of infection[2,3] means there may be many potentially-infectious sex-acts. In fact, the BASHH guidelines are motivated by concern about transmission from asymptomatic...

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  • Testing for STIs in Brazil using molecular methods

    The Research Letter by Marinho FL and Zauli D (1) is interesting, but it raises several contentious issues. Understanding the prevalence of genital-tract micro-organisms that constitute the genital microbiome (2) is important (3) and the authors were concerned with this in respect of six micro-organisms that were detected by a molecular method (PCR). Whether they give them equal weight so far as pathogenicity is concerned is unclear because they did not relate them to any specific clinical disease. We appreciate that any micro-organism mentioned, including U. urealyticum, might have pathogenic potential under certain circumstances (4), but finding U. urealyticum as the most prevalent (62.47%) followed by M. hominis (9.31%) does not elevate their status as pathogens and raises clinically important questions of whether these micro-organisms, including U. parvum, should be tested for at all in a diagnostic procedure, unless part of a research programme, and, if tested, whether such positive results justify treatment. Admittedl the authors do not expressly state that, on the basis of a positive test result, patients would be treated automatically with antibiotics. Nevertheless, we must emphasize that the use of antibiotics in many such cases would seem inappropriate, not least because it might promote antibiotic resistance, sometimes in microbes of undoubted importance, such as N. gonorrhoeae and M. genitalium (6). Modern molecular technology is a boon, but it must not be al...

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  • Syphilis proctitis in Men who have sex with men: response to Mwasakifwa GE et al

    We read with interesting the recent report by Mwasakifwa and colleagues demonstrating that presence of mucopurulent ano-rectal discharge on clinical examination was associated with identification of a sexually transmitted organism by NAAT testing in men who have sex with men (MSM) with symptomatic proctitis.1 We also showed that sexually transmitted proctitis in MSM is often associated with more than one organism and that even with sensitive NAAT testing, there are a significant proportion of cases of MSM with proctitis with negative microbiology tests.2 We were however surprised that Mwasakifwa and colleagues did not identify any cases of syphilis in their analysis. This may have been because syphilis PCR testing was only conducted in a small proportion of cases? Ano-rectal syphilis was first described between 1945-1966 although most of these cases had anal ulceration with pain on defecation. Syphilis ‘proctitis’ was first described in 1975 from the USA in a man with rectal pain and discharge.3 In our series of MSM with proctitis, we reported 6/78(8%) cases of syphilis based upon PCR testing from the rectal mucosa during proctoscopy.2 The recent increase in infectious syphilis particularly in MSM is likely to increase the number of cases of ano-rectal syphilis. The clinical features of syphilis as the epidemic evolves may be changing and more MSM are presenting with painful lesions than was previously believed. We do agree that clinical examination of the ano-rectal area...

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  • Cross-sectional study of patients tested for STIs using molecular methods in Brazil

    Dear David Taylor-Robinson,

    We are very grateful with your contribution.

    It was a study that we evaluated the incidence of these pathogens on population that had done the molecular test to IST in a big laboratory in Brazil, this is only an epidemiological study. The microorganism have been chosen according availability of tests offered, so it was not evaluated the pathogenicity of each microorganism. Besides that our objective is only describe the profile of brazilian population, and did not correltated any data with clinical treatment. The molecular technology in Brazil is used as confirmatory of clinical diagnostic. The microorganism incidence in Brazil could be different from others countries due to characteristics of our population.

    Best regards.

    Danielle Alves Gomes Zauli

  • Syphilis proctitis in Men who have sex with men: Response to Richardson et al

    We thank Richardson et al., for their response to our recent publication titled “Proctitis in gay and bisexual men. Are microscopy and proctoscopy worthwhile?”[1]. The authors have previously reported findings of men who have sex with men (MSM) with proctitis, highlighting the polymicrobial nature of proctitis and symptomatic presentations with negative nucleic acid amplification testing (NAAT). However, they observed 8% (6/78) of MSM had syphilis proctitis based on NAAT from rectal mucosa[2] in contrast; we did not identify any.

    Our study and the Richardson study have three main differences. Firstly, in our study, only a small proportion of MSM were tested for rectal syphilis (10.5% (16/154), and all patients were syphilis NAAT negative. Data on syphilis serology was not collected. As per our local guidelines, NAAT for rectal syphilis is based on clinical signs. None of our remaining patients had an appropriate history or clinical signs (ulcers) which would have triggered targeted NAAT for anorectal syphilis.

    Secondly, 43% of GBM in our study were using pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)and undergoing three monthly serological screening for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and syphilis delivered as part of comprehensive sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and PrEP package. We postulate that this may have had a “protective” benefit against ‘symptomatic rectal syphilis”, through frequent STI testing or treatment of sexual contacts and engagement with heal...

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    Please note that this article is almost identical to one written by Daniel Richardson and colleagues in 2017? Did you not use anti plagiarism software? I am an editor of another journal but have keen interest in sexual health and the journal. I am shocked that this has been allowed to go to publication an print. I do not know Daniel Richardson, but they should be informed and action should be taken by you or the BMJ group.

  • ?? Similar article published a few years ago

    Dear Editor, I am a contraception doctor working in the UK who reads STI. I have an interest in education. I read Dewsnap et al's publication in this months journal and am shocked as it is almost identical to one from a few years ago. Surely this is blatant Plagiarism although one of the authors is the same. Does the BMJ group know this? is this allowed in the BASHH column. Does BASHH know? does the previous author who wrote the original know (? David Richardson?)

    This should be addressed with COPE?

    Yours Marie
