PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Potterat, J J AU - Phillips-Plummer, L AU - Muth, S Q AU - Rothenberg, R B AU - Woodhouse, D E AU - Maldonado-Long, T S AU - Zimmerman, H P AU - Muth, J B TI - Risk network structure in the early epidemic phase of HIV transmission in Colorado Springs AID - 10.1136/sti.78.suppl_1.i159 DP - 2002 Apr 01 TA - Sexually Transmitted Infections PG - i159--i163 VI - 78 IP - suppl 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Sex Transm Infect2002 Apr 01; 78 AB - This study describes the risk network structure of persons with HIV infection during its early epidemic phase in Colorado Springs, USA, using analysis of community-wide HIV/AIDS contact tracing records (sexual and injecting drug partners) from 1985 to 1999. Paired partner information from other STD/HIV programme records was used to augment network connections. Analyses were conducted with and without this supplemental information. The results suggest that a combined dendritic and cyclic structural network pattern is associated with low to moderate HIV propagation in Colorado Springs, and may account for the absence of intense propagation of the virus.