Was a well designed question asked in an answerable form? (No 0, yes 2) |
Was a comprehensive description of the competing alternatives given? (No 0, yes 2) |
Was there evidence that the programmes effectiveness had been established? (No 0, yes 2) |
Were all the important and relevant costs and consequences for each alternative identified? (Neither costs or consequences 0, one of two or most of both 1, both 2) |
Were costs and consequences measured accurately in appropriate physical units? (No 0, partially 1, all 2) |
Were costs and consequences valued credibly? (Neither 0, one of two 1, both 2) |
Were costs and consequences adjusted for differential timing? (No 0, yes 2) |
Was an incremental analysis of costs and consequences of alternatives performed? (No 0, yes 2) |
Was a sensitivity analysis performed ? (No 0, some but insufficient 1, yes 2) |
Did the presentation and discussion include all issues of concern to users? (No 0, partial 1, most 2) |