Table 3

Instructions* posted by Austrian military authorities in brothels in occupied territories during the first world war

*In three languages—German, Hungarian, and Croatian. Source: Hirschfeld.84
1.Every girl is required to reject a diseased guest.
2.Drunken and very boisterous guests are not to be taken up to the room by the girl.
3.The girl should demand of the guest that he use a preservative instrument and if he refuses she is obliged to lubricate his organ with borated vaseline.
4.Preservatives are available at the price of _____.
5.After intercourse every girl is required to show her guest to the disinfectant room.
6.Whoever practises coitus despite the fact that he knows or can assume that he is venereally diseased is guilty of a criminal act punishable by imprisonment.
7.The best protection against infection is the use of a condom which is to be drawn carefully over the member and then sufficiently lubricated with borated vaseline. However, if no condom is available, the member should at least be thoroughly greased with vaseline. Such grease capsules are in the possession of the girls.
8.After coitus, the member should immediately be washed thoroughly with warm water and soap after which the guest should go to the disinfectant room, the entrance to which is always marked by a red lamp. The attention of the soldier is called to the fact that it is his bounden duty to report to that room and that a neglect of this provision is punishable.
9.Moreover, prophylaxis is advised for the other visitors to the brothels.