Table A

 Parameter definitions

ParameterDefinitionValues used
*Obtained from maximum likelihood estimation (fig 2).
μEntry rate0.1 per year (average length of stay in
To maintain a constant population size, the entry and exit rates are assumed to be equalmodel population 10 years, population aged 16–25 years)
βkTransmission probability of infection to sex k per contact23Probability per contact*
Best fit 0.4 (male to female)
Best fit 0.6 (female to male)
δk,Recovery rate from infection23Best fit 2 months (male and female)*
PklmstMixing matrix, element ρklmst gives the probability that an individual of sex k in activity class l, ethnicity s, will form a partnership with a member of activity class m and ethnicity t (opposite sex, k′)See below
Calculated in simulation
χklsPartnership formation rate of individual of sex k, activity class l, ethnicity s (see below)See below
Calculated from sexual behaviour survey—table 4
ε1, ε2Pattern of mixingMixing by activity class varied from 0⩽ε21
(0 = fully assortative, 1 = random)Ethnicity mixing (ε1 defined explicitly in equation)