Table 2

Attitudes about circumcision among participants in Botswana (n=605)

No (%) before informational sessionNo (%) after informational sessionp Value*
Circumcising a male child in a safe hospital setting, free of charge:
    All participants (n=605):
        Would definitely/would probably circumcise408 (67)542 (90)
        Would definitely not/would probably not circumcise86 (14)34 (6)< 0.0001
        Unsure111 (18)29 (5)
    Uncircumcised men only (n=238):
        Would definitely/would probably circumcise159 (67)208 (87)
        Would definitely not/would probably not circumcise38 (16)15 (6)< 0.0001
        Unsure41 (17)15 (6)
    Circumcised men only (n=78):
        Would definitely/would probably circumcise73 (94)76 (97)
        Would definitely not/would probably not circumcise1 (1)1 (1)NS
        Unsure4 (5)1 (1)
    Women only (n=289):
        Would definitely/would probably circumcise178 (62)260 (90)
        Would definitely not/would probably not circumcise45 (16)17 (6)< 0.001
        Unsure66 (23)12 (4)
Uncircumcised men only (n=238):
    Circumcising yourself in a safe hospital setting, free of charge:
        Would definitely/would probably circumcise145 (61)192 (81)
        Would definitely not/would probably not circumcise46 (19)22 (9)< 0.0001
        Unsure47 (20)24 (10)
Women only (n=289):
    Prefer a circumcised or an uncircumcised partner:
        Circumcised146 (50)227 (79)
        Uncircumcised20 (7)7 (2)< 0.0001
        No preference61 (21)32 (11)
        Unsure63 (22)23 (8)
Cultural acceptability of circumcision:
    Circumcision is culturally acceptable298 (50)
    Circumcision is not culturally acceptable98 (16)
    Unsure209 (34)
Best age for male circumcision:
    Birth to 1 month152 (25)
    1 month to 1 year52 (9)
    2 years to 5 years129 (21)
    6 years to 10 years95 (16)
    11 years to 15 years88 (14)
    Older than 15 years49 (8)
    Never18 (3)
    Unsure/other22 (4)
Best place for male circumcision:
    Hospital542 (90)
    Traditional setting/other37 (6)
    No place (circumcision not acceptable)8 (1)
    Unsure/other15 (3)
*p Value for the Wilcoxon signed rank test of difference in response before and after the informational session.