Table 1

 Symptoms (self reported dysuria and/or discharge), signs (observed discharge—that is, ⩾1 cm2 smear on the slide and urethritis (>4 PMNL/HPF)), number of partners, and STI history among all male attendees (n = 512)

Urethral smears (PMNL/HPF)Symptoms of urethritisNumber of partners
Count (%)Past 6 monthsSTI history (%)
<55–10>10NDCount (%)RR (CI 95%)MeanMedian (range)NgCtNCNGU
*One (homosexual) man had a gonococcal urethritis †Data were missing from one patient.
ND  =  microscopic examination not done; Ng  =  Neisseria gonorrhoeae; Ct  =  Chlamydia trachomatis; Mg  =  Mycoplasma genitalium; NCNGU  =  non-chlamydial non-gonococcal urethritis.
C trachomatis pos (n = 57)4053 (93)023 (40)1 (reference)2.82 (0–10)1 (2)9 (16)11 (19)
M genitalium pos (n = 30)3027 (90)022 (73)1.8 (1.2 to 2.7)2.12 (1–6)1 (3)9 (30)4 (13)
Mg and Ct pos (n = 4)004 (100)03 (75)7.53.5 (2–20)0 (0)1 (25)1 (25)
Urethritis, negative tests (n = 180)030150 (83)049 (27)0.7 (0.4 to 1.0)2.12 (0–10)6 (3)38 (21)44 (24)
The rest of attendees (n = 241*)23501 (1)536 (15)0.4 (0.2 to 0.6)1.82 (0–9)12†(5)33†(14)37†(15)