Table 2

 Prevalence of genital tract infections among adolescents attending genitourinary medicine clinics

Infection% (No)95% CI
*Includes two girls who did not give swabs because of painful herpes lesions.
†HPV screening started after 3 months.
HSV-2 (antibodies)4.3 (116)1.4 to 9.8
HSV-1/HSV-2 (viral shedding)3.9 (127)*1.3 to 8.9
HPV DNA64.4 (90)†53.7 to 74.3
Ano-genital warts16.9 (89)9.8 to 26.3
Chlamydia26.8 (127)19.3 to 35.4
Gonorrhoea1.6 (127)0.2 to 5.6
Candidiasis6.3 (127)0.3 to 12.0
Bacterial vaginosis33.9 (127)25.7 to 42.8
Trichomoniasis3.1 (127)0.9 to 7.9
Syphilis0.0 (127)0.0 to 2.9
No infection15.6 (90)8.8 to 24.7
Single infection43.3 (90)32.9 to 54.2
Two or more infections44.1 (90)34.0 to 55.3