Table 4

 Model parameters varied in sensitivity analysis with resulting effect on the incremental cost per HIV infection averted (for 1995–8 and in 2004 $US) of using POC tests (70% sensitive POC test costing $2 per test) in the SIDA2 project in Cotonou

Model parameter for cost modelValue used for main projectionValues used in sensitivity analysisCost per HIV infection averted for 70% sensitive test (% divergence from main projection)
MinimumMaximumMain projectionMinimumMaximum
Cost of test$2$1$4$151$81 (−46.3%)$292 (+46.9%)
Extra time needed to undertake POC test0.3 hours0.25 hours0.33 hours$151148 (−1.7%)153 (+1.5%)
Salary cost of clinic staff using POC tests$0.88 per hour$0.5 per hour$1.5 per hour$151144 (−5.0%)164 (+8.8%)
Cost of Ng/Ct treatment$1.21$0.5$1.21$151156 (+3.3%)NA
Time needed to undertake training3 hours2 hours4 hours$151151 (−0.0%)152 (+0.1%)
Number of tests used in training session502575$151151 (−0.2%)152 (+0.3%)
Number of clinic staff trained over 4 years224$151NA152 (+0.1%)
Discount rate3%1%6%$151151 (−0.0%)152 (+0.1%)
All parameters varied, except cost of test, to maximise or minimise divergence$151142 (−6.5%)172 (+13.9%)