Table 1

 Main demographic and behavioural characteristics of immigrant transsexuals at the first contact with the centre

No (%)
Median age (IQ range)29 (25–33)
Geographic area of origin
    South America468 (98.9)
        Columbia289 (61.1)
        Brazil142 (30.0)
    Africa3 (0.6)
    Europe2 (0.4)
Median months of residence in Italy (interquartile range)25 (8–58.5)
Reported prostitution
    Overall473 (100.0)
    In the past 6 months455 (96.2)
History of prison71 (15.0)
Sex with HIV partner in the past 6 months28 (5.9)
Condom use in the past 6 months
    Always353 (74.6)
    Sometimes107 (22.6)
    Never13 (2.7)
Drug use reported
    Injected36 (7.6)
    Non-injected40 (8.5)