Table 2

 Risk factors for incident syphilis infection among STD/RTI clinic patients, Pune, India, May 1993–April 2000

CharacteristicIncident syphilisPerson years*Syphilis incidence rate (95% CI)Unadjusted rate ratio (95% CI)p Value
CI, confidence interval; CSW, commercial sex worker.
*Of 2324 individuals in the analysis, three were missing data on level of education, six were missing “living with family”; six were missing data on number of recent sexual partners at one of their follow up visits; two were missing genital lesion on examination at one visit; and one individual was missing HIV-1 status at one follow up visit.
†Separated status included individuals who were separated from their spouse, divorced, or widowed.
¶‡Recent, within 6 months.
Overall 1723166.25.4 (4.8 to 6.5)
    1993–61041377.07.6 (6.2 to 9.2)1.00 (Referent)<0.001
    1997–2000681789.23.8 (3.0 to 4.9)0.50 (0.37 to 0.69)
Gender/risk group
    Male STI patient1372690.85.1 (4.3 to 6.0)1.00 (Referent)0.51
    Hijra110.39.7 (0.3 to 54.0)1.91 (0.05 to 10.8)0.72
    Female STI patient10223.54.5 (2.2 to 8.2)0.88 (0.41 to 1.67)0.005
    Female sex worker24241.69.9 (6.4 to 14.7)1.95 (1.21 to 3.03)
Age group (years)
    <2019140.313.5 (8.2 to 21.1)2.57 (1.46 to 4.33)<0.001
    20–2451934.45.5 (4.1 to 7.2)1.03 (0.70 to 1.51)0.85
    25–2936840.24.3 (3.0 to 5.9)0.81 (0.53 to 1.24)0.32
    30+661251.35.3 (4.1 to 6.8)1.00 (Referent)
    None49474.210.3 (7.6 to 13.7)2.40 (1.62 to 3.53)<0.001
    <High school581182.94.9 (3.8 to 6.4)1.14 (0.78 to 1.65)0.48
    High school or more651508.24.3 (3.4 to 5.5)1.00 (Referent)
Marital status
    Never married811466.35.5 (4.4 to 6.9)1.00 (Referent)0.71
    Married751440.05.2 (4.1 to 6.6)0.94 (0.68 to 1.31)0.67
    Separated†16259.86.2 (3.5 to 10.0)1.11 (0.61 to 1.92)
Living with family
    Yes1312392.45.5 (4.6 to 6.5)1.00 (Referent)0.89
    No41769.85.3 (3.8 to 7.2)0.97 (0.67 to 1.39)
Number of recent sexual partners
    None/one1272434.85.2 (4.4 to 6.2)1.00 (Referent)0.34
    Two or more45731.36.2 (4.5 to 8.3)1.18 (0.82 to 1.67)
Condom use
    No partners49959.85.1 (3.8 to 6.8)1.00 (Referent)0.36
    Always used21523.14.0 (2.5 to 6.1)0.79 (0.45 to 1.34)0.80
    Sometimes used21386.45.4 (3.4 to 8.3)1.06 (0.61 to 1.81)0.27
    Never used811296.86.3 (5.0 to 7.8)1.22 (0.85 to 1.78)
Urethritis/cervicitis at current visit
    No1602981.75.4 (4.6 to 6.3)1.00 (Referent)0.51
    Yes12184.56.5 (3.4 to 11.4)1.21 (0.61 to 2.18)
Genital ulcer at current or previous visit
    None1092572.24.2 (3.5 to 5.1)1.00 (Referent)0.42
    Previous visit only14263.25.3 (2.9 to 8.9)1.26 (0.66 to 2.20)<0.001
    Current visit only25177.914.1 (9.1 to 20.8)3.32 (2.06 to 5.16)<0.001
    Current and previous21104.420.1 (12.5 to 30.8)4.75 (2.82 to 7.62)
Recent medical injection‡
    No1272002.16.3 (5.3 to 7.6)1.00 (Referent)0.003
    Yes441152.43.8 (2.8 to 5.1)0.60 (0.42 to 0.85)
Recent HIV-1 infection
    No1493023.14.9 (4.2 to 5.8)1.00 (Referent)<0.001
    Yes23142.716.1 (10.2 to 24.2)3.27 (2.01 to 5.09)