Table 2

 Sexual, healthcare seeking, and genital hygiene behaviour, HIV and HSV-2 status in men with selected STI and related signs and symptoms

Behavioural attributes and HIV and HSV-2 statusGUD with ulcers seenHSV-2 PCR-positive ulcerGC and/or chlamydia PCR positiveDysuria (spontaneous and/or direct complaint)
N  =  165 (%)N  =  87 (%)N  =  194 (%)N  =  378 (%)
GC, Gonorrhoea; GUD, genital ulcer disease; HSV-2, herpes simplex virus type 2; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; STI, sexually transmitted infection.
*In those who returned after 14 days.
Sex since symptoms55 (33.3)30 (34.5)74 (38.1)166 (43.9)
Unprotected sex since symptoms51 (30.9)28 (32.2)58 (29.9)140 (37.0)
No. of exposed contacts in aboven  =  51, mean 1.23, SD 0.68n  =  28, mean 1.21, SD 0.79n  =  58, mean 1.22, SD 0.50n  =  140, mean 1.24, SD 0.53
Sex worker contact in past 3 months0/1030/516/135 (4.4%)5/235 (2.1%)
HIV positive126/164 (76.8)67/87 (77.0)114/194 (58.8)208/374 (55.6)
HSV-2 positive140/162 (86.4)71/86 (82.6)144/194 (74.2)285/373 (76.4)
Previous treatment for current problem
    Public clinic24132962
    Private doctor63718
    Traditional healer1041122
    Informal source2133
    Left over pills1100
Antibiotics in past 2 weeks14/164 (8.5)8/87 (9.2)19/194 (9.8)36/377 (9.6)
Genital hygiene factors*
    Access to water97/125 (77.6)49/62 (79.0)117/139 (84.2)231/277 (83.4)
    Frequency of washing ⩽1 per day55/125 (44.0)25/62 (40.3)62/139 (44.6)134/277 (48.3)
    Wash after sex37/125 (29.6)18/62 (29.0)35/139 (25.2)84/277 (30.3)