Table 4 General practitioners' questions about alcohol, and recall and acceptability of the nurse intervention
Intervention (n = 66)Control (n = 66)
n (%)n (%)
Has your current (or last) GP ever asked you about alcohol?
    Yes19 (29)28 (41)
    No42 (64)35 (54)
    Can’t remember5 (7)2 (3)
Have you seen any other health professional about alcohol in the last 3 months?
    Yes6 (9)5 (8)
    No60 (91)61 (92)
Have you received any treatment for alcohol problems in last 3 months?
    Yes2 (3)2 (3)
    No64 (97)64 (97)
Do you remember getting advice about alcohol at the clinic 3 months ago? (ie, at the index visit)
    Yes62 (94)13 (20)
    No/don’t know4 (6)53 (80)
χ2 = p<0.001
Do you think it acceptable to get any advice about alcohol on a routine visit to the clinic?
    Yes53 (80)46 (70)
    Unsure/No13 (20)20 (30)
χ2 = p = 0.159
Would it be acceptable to get this advice about alcohol from a nurse?
    Yes49 (74)50 (76)
    Unsure/No17 (26)16 (24)
  • GP, general practitioner; NS, not significant.