Table 2 Number genital shedding HSV-2 and HIV-1 at each follow-up visit
HSV-2 sheddingHIV shedding
Number randomly assignedN  =  69 (%)n  =  56 (%)
Visit number
    14/58 (7)12/51 (24)*44/58 (76)35/51 (69)
    23/62 (5)13/47 (28)*40/62 (65)29/47 (62)
    31/54 (2)12/49 (24)*26/54 (48)27/49 (55)
    46/55 (11)9/43 (21)36/54 (67)22/43 (51)
    59/58 (16)11/47 (23)39/58 (67)27/47 (58)
    67/52 (13)7/39 (18)35/52 (67)23/39 (59)
    76/54 (11)9/44 (20)30/54 (56)29/44 (66)
    86/52 (12)6/39 (15)18/52 (73)27/39 (69)
    93/49 (6)10/41 (24)*33/49 (67)25/40 (63)
    106/53 (11)13/45 (29)*39/53 (74)31/45 (69)
    117/49 (14)10/44 (23)33/49 (67)28/44 (64)
    126/50 (12)11/42 (26)37/50 (74)29/42 (69)
Overall shedding64/646 (10%)123/531 (23%)430/645 (67%)332/530 (63%)
Univariate odds ratio0.24 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.50; <p<0.001)1.18 (95% CI 0.48 to 2.9; p = 0.7)
Adjusted odds ratio†0.24 (95% CI 0.12 to 0.48; <p<0.001)1.08 (95% CI 0.48 to 2.42; p = 0.9)
  • *The difference in rates of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) shedding is significantly lower among acyclovir recipients at this visit (p<0.05). No statistically significant difference in rates of HIV shedding were seen at any visit.

  • †Adjusted for CD4 cell count and plasma viral load at baseline.