Table 2 Comparison of HIV prevalence among women age 15–49 in ANC sentinel surveillance and among women and men in DHS/AIS surveys who live in a community within 15 km from the nearest ANC surveillance site, 2003–5
Women in ANC sentinel surveyWomen and men in DHS/AIS survey* who live in a community within 15 km from the nearest ANC siteAll women and men in DHS/AIS survey†; all women in ANC sentinel survey
(3.4 to 5.3)(1.7 to 3.4)(3.0 to 4.2)(6.4 to 9.0)(1.5 to 3.3)(0.4 to 0.9)(0.4 to 1.0)(1.5 to 2.2)(0.7 to 1.2)(1.2 to 1.7)
(8.1 to 11.5)(3.3 to 5.9)(6.3 to 8.5)(10.2 to 14.3)(5.7 to 9.4)(6.4 to 8.6)(2.7 to 4.4)(7.7 to 9.6)(3.8 to 5.3)(6.1 to 7.4)
(15.7 to 21.3)(10.1 to 15.5)(14.0 to 17.9)(14.1 to 21.9)(12.4 to 20.2)(11.2 to 13.8)(7.5 to 10.1)(12.1 to 14.6)(9.0 to 11.5)(10.9 to 12.7)
(7.0 to 10.2)(5.8 to 9.4)(7.0 to 9.4)(10.4 to 13.6)(7.8 to 11.3)(5.1 to 6.5)(4.1 to 5.5)(7.0 to 8.4)(5.6 to 7.0)(6.5 to 7.5)
(6.9 to 9.1)(3.0 to 4.8)(5.5 to 7.0)(11.2 to 14.4)(5.3 to 8.1)(6.0 to 7.1)(4.2 to 5.3)(7.0 to 8.0)(4.5 to 5.5)(6.0 to 6.8)
  • ANC, antenatal care; DHS, demographic and health surveys; AIS, AIDS indicator surveys.

  • (95% CI), *unweighted, †weighted.