Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics of youth interviewed
Male (n = 33, 47%)Female (n = 37, 53%)Total (n = 70, 100%)
Age group
    15–18 years57.168.571115.71
    19–25 years2840.03144.295984.29
    South Asian34.311.4345.71
    South-East Asian22.911.4334.29
    Latin American11.400.0011.43
    Prince George1014.291014.292028.57
Number of years in community
    <5 years1521.431318.572840.00
    >5 years1825.712434.294260.00
Number of times tested
    Don’t know00.0022.8622.86
Sexual relationship status
    Currently involved2535.712637.145172.86
    Not currently involved710.001217.141927.14
Sexual orientation
    Sexual minority (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)45.7268.61014.29
Living arrangements
    Living with parents2130.001622.863752.86
    Living with friends1115.7157.141622.86
    Living alone34.2934.2968.57
    Living with partner22.86710.00912.86
    Other (e.g. foster care; group home; university residence)811.4368.61420.00