Table 2 Costs associated with treatment of an episode of AGW
NMean costs* (SD), $CMedian costs* (IQR), $C
Overall43 586190.32 (1004.21)71.15 (117.50)
    Men175.67 (1136.25)70.32 (104.14)
    Women206.94 (828.90)72.07 (144.33)
Physician office33 041110.69 (188.83)67.58 (78.43)
    Men109.85 (191.23)67.69 (77.79)
    Women111.55 (186.33)67.38 (79.36)
STI clinic6661111.40 (125.56)79.38 (79.38)
    Men109.22 (126.88)79.38 (79.38)
    Women117.60 (121.52)79.38 (119.07)
Hospital31291026.23 (2985.97)573.05 (458.46)
    Men1137.87 (3820.36)660.96 (376.54)
    Women965.80 (2415.92)497.07 (490.66)
Physician office and hospital755875.86 (3981.58)539.02 (603.53)
    Men1054.16 (5399.76)610.57 (642.10)
    Women670.64 (707.28)485.60 (497.83)
Prescription drugs50324.08 (21.43)21.21 (21.93)
    Men23.82 (23.04)21.06 (30.33)
    Women24.58 (17.93)22.36 (20.17)
  • *Costs in this table represent the average costs to manage an episode of AGW in those utilising each resource. For the Overall category, this is the mean cost of all resources used to treat an episode of AGW. The remainder of the categories are limited to the cost of the resource consumed (for example, the Physician office category represents only those who consumed office visits and is mutually exclusive from all other categories except Overall). IQR, interquartile range; STI, sexually transmitted infection.