Table 3

Estimated number and cost of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) cases prevented by a single chlamydia test over 12 months for 414 345 sexually active women aged 16–24 years in London with different prevalences of chlamydia and different rates of screening

Assumed chlamydia prevalenceNumber of women aged 16–24 y screenedNumber of chlamydia positive womenExpected PID cases over 12 months in unscreened women with chlamydia (8.8%)Assumed screen coverageExpected PID cases over 12 months in screened women with chlamydia (1.5%)Preventable PID cases Risk difference (7.3%, 95% CI –0.82 to 16.5)Total preventable PID-associated healthcare costs (at £163 per case)*
National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 2000* chlamydial prevalence3%414 345124311094100%187908 (−102 to 2052)£148 004 (−£16 626 to £334 476)
NCSP 2009 chlamydial prevalence6%414 345272612399100%4091990 (−224 to 4498)£324 370 (−£36 512 to £733 174)
NCSP 2009 6% chlamydial prevalence and 21.5% coverage6%89 084534547121.5%81391 (−44 to 882)£63 733 (−£7172 to £143 766)
NCSP 2010* expected 39% coverage6%161 595969685339%146708 (−80 to 1600)£115 404 (−£13 040 to £260 800)
  • * Assume population estimate remains the same.

  • Risk difference calculated by number of PID cases expected in unscreened women minus cases expected in screened women.

  • NCSP, National Chlamydia Screening Programme.