Table 1

HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevalence data from integrated behavioural and biological assessment (IBBA) surveys in Belgaum and Mysore used to fit (FSW IBBA rounds 1 and 2, and client IBBA round 1) and validate (FSW IBBA rounds 2 and 3) the model

SurveyDistrict and date carried outCI for prevalence
Fitting data
FSW IBBA round 1Mysore (August 2004)21.9% to 30.3%59.6% to 69.1%21.0% to 29.0%
Belgaum (October 2005)27.6% to 40.2%78.6% to 89.1%3.0% to 13.0%
Client IBBA
Round 1Mysore (October 2008)3.2% to 7.6%8.0% to 33.0%1.3% to 4.6%
Belgaum (October 2007)3.6% to 8.8%23.3% to 32.3%2.0% to 6.5%
Crossvalidation and fitting data
FSW IBBA round 2Mysore (December 2006)19.1% to 29.5%
Belgaum (July 2008)22.2% to 32.5%
Crossvalidation data
FSW IBBA round 3Mysore (April 2009)8.11% to 14.1%
  • FSW, female sex worker; HSV, herpes simplex virus.