Table 1

Number (N) and percentage of new patients diagnosed as having genital warts at the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, by year and risk group, from 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2011

N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)N (%)
All patients*750 (11.0)804 (11.8)818 (11.7)697 (9.9)665 (8.4)665 (8.0)622 (7.3)
All, excluding non-residents618 (12.1)652 (13.0)658 (13.1)530 (11.4)473 (9.7)442 (9.0)411 (7.8)
Non-residents*80 (9.1)92 (8.3)87 (8.0)118 (7.6)129 (6.5)136 (6.6)163 (6.9)
All women205 (10.4)216 (11.6)253 (13.0)183 (10.8)118 (7.1)116 (6.7)88 (5.0)
Women, <21 yr46 (16.9)56 (18.8)66 (20.9)42 (18.6)13 (6.0)11 (4.5)4 (1.9)
Women, 21–29 yr116 (12.3)117 (13.1)138 (14.2)93 (10.8)60 (7.1)59 (6.6)35 (3.7)
Women, ≥30 yr43 (5.7)43 (6.4)49 (7.5)48 (8.0)45 (7.5)45 (9.1)49 (7.9)
MSW319 (15.5)329 (15.8)291 (15.2)253 (14.3)263 (13.7)224 (11.5)234 (10.8)
MSW, <21 yr12 (10.5)16 (13.4)25 (17.2)25 (22.9)13 (12.9)3 (3.1)4 (2.9)
MSW, 21–29 yr143 (16.6)167 (19.6)150 (18.5)122 (16.1)141 (16.6)123 (13.7)114 (11.7)
MSW, ≥30 yr164 (15.2)146 (13.2)116 (12.1)106 (11.8)109 (11.3)98 (10.4)116 (11)
MSM43 (6.9)71 (10.6)63 (9.2)60 (8.7)56 (7.2)67 (8.1)61 (7.3)
Women prior HPV vaccine27 (5.7)8 (1.5)
Total number of new patients697167646825694876768046
  • 6319 individuals were not born in Australia but did not complete year of arrival at registration.

  • * Non-residents were those not born in Australia, whose year of arrival was within 3 years of consultation. All analyses except the first row exclude non-residents unless ‘*’ is shown.

  • HPV, human papillomavirus; MSM, men who have sex with men; MSW, men who have sex with women.