Abstract P45 Table 1

Patient demographics pre and post NAATs introduction

Pre-NAATS (n)Post-NAATS (n)
No. of patients attending (re-attendees not included)92969917
No. of GC screens carried out (% screened of those attending)2307 (25)3444 (35)
No. of positive GC tests (%)20 (0.87)43 (1.25)
Age (years) (%)
 <3012 (60)23 (53)
 31–405 (25)9 (21)
 >413 (15)11 (26)
Sex (%)
 Male11 (55)30 (70)
 Female9 (45)13 (30)
RACE (%)
 White European11 (55)32 (74)
 Black (UK)1 (5)1 (2)
 Black African3 (15)1 (2)
 Black Carribean2 (10)4 (9)
Asian other3 (15)5 (12)
 Men who have sex with men (MSM) (% of men)5 (45)11 (37)
 Symptoms signs of GC (%)13 (65)25 (58)