Table 1

Sample characteristics, men who have sex with men, Beijing, China, 2009 (N=500)

VariableN% Of sampleMissing*
Age group in years (median 29 years, range 18–71)
Education, completed high school or more33767.4
Married to a woman currently10420.8
Employment status
Living ≤3 years in Beijing22144.2
Mean monthly income over the last 12 months (RMB)
Have health insurance23647.2
Self-reported sexual orientation
 Do not know20.4
Self-reported preferred role in anal sex with men10
Three or more male sex partners, last 6 months26452.8
Type of most recent male partner, last 6 months12
UAI with most recent male partner17735.4
UAI with a casual partner438.6
Knew the HIV status of most recent male partner12926.412
Disclosed HIV status to most recent male partner23648.412
Ever had sex with a woman28356.6
Had female sexual partner, last 6 months10420.8
Unprotected sex with most recent female partner, last 6 months7515.0
Drug use, last 12 months40.8
Knows where to get HIV test47094.21
HIV testing history
 Never tested16633.2
 Tested >1 year prior to interview6813.6
 Tested within the past year5511.0
 Tested within the past 6 months14228.4
 Tested within the past 3 months6913.8
Current test HIV positive367.2
  • * Data are complete where no value indicated.

  • RMB, Renmenbi, approximately US$0.15; UAI, unprotected anal intercourse.