Table 1

Partner notification policy by year, organisation, coverage area and STI covered

Name of policyImplementation yearOrganisationCoverage areaSTI coveredPartner notification policy
HIV prevention and control regulation in Jiangsuw1042004People's Congress of JiangsuJiangsu ProvinceHIVIndividuals diagnosed with HIV should notify their sex partners in a timely manner. When applying for a marriage licence, HIV-positive individuals should tell their marital partner and seek medical guidance.
HIV prevention and control regulationsw1122006State Council of the People's Republic of ChinaPeople's Republic of ChinaHIVIndividuals diagnosed with HIV have the obligation to notify sexual partners in a timely manner.
HIV prevention protocol in Hubeiw1052007People's Government of HubeiHubei ProvinceHIVAn appointed healthcare worker at the local health department will notify both the patient and the patient's spouse of an HIV-positive diagnosis and give medical guidance. When applying for a marriage licence, HIV-positive individuals should tell their marital partner and seek medical guidance.
HIV prevention and control regulations in Zhejiangw1062007People's Congress of ZhejiangZhejiang ProvinceHIVIndividuals diagnosed with HIV must notify their sex partners in a timely manner. When applying for a marriage licence, HIV-positive individuals should tell their marital partner and seek medical guidance.
HIV-positive notification protocol in Zhejiang (trial)w1032007Zhejiang Provincial Bureau of HealthZhejiang ProvinceHIVThe provincial CDC* will provide PN training to all local CDCs. Each local CDC must designate personnel to be responsible for PN. Within 1 week of receiving an HIV case report through the online reporting system, the local CDC must notify the index case in person and provide PN and HIV counselling. Index cases must notify their spouses within 1 month after diagnosis, and help their spouses seek counselling and testing at the local CDC. If the index case does not notify his/her spouse after 1 month, the local CDC will notify the spouse. Legal guardians of minors who have tested positive for HIV must tell the minor when he/she turns 18. If not, the local CDC will notify him/her. When applying for a marriage licence, HIV-positive individuals should tell their marital partner and seek medical guidance. HIV-infected individuals should tell potential sex partners before sexual intercourse.
HIV prevention and control regulations in Yunnanw1072007People's Congress of YunnanYunnan ProvinceHIVIndividuals diagnosed with HIV should notify their spouses and sex partners in a timely manner. If not, the local CDC will notify the HIV-infected individual's spouse. Minors should notify their partners or legal guardians.
HIV prevention and control regulations in Shaanxiw1082007People's Congress of ShaanxiShaanxi ProvinceHIVIndividuals diagnosed with HIV should notify their sex partners a timely manner. When applying for a marriage licence, HIV-positive individuals should tell their marital partner and seek medical guidance.
HIV prevention management methods in Shandongw1092007People's Government of ShandongShandong ProvinceHIVIndividuals diagnosed with HIV should notify their sex partners in a timely manner.
HIV positive notification protocol in Gansu (trial)w1102009Gansu Provincial Bureau of HealthGansu ProvinceHIVThe provincial CDC will provide PN training to all local CDCs. Each local CDC must designate personnel to be responsible for PN. Within 1 week of receiving an HIV case report through the online reporting system, the local CDC must notify the index case in person and provide PN and HIV counselling. Index cases must notify their spouses within 1 month after diagnosis, and help their spouses seek counselling and testing at the local CDC. If the index case does not notify his/her spouse after 1 month, the local CDC will notify the spouse. Legal guardians of minors who have tested positive for HIV must tell the minor when he/she turns 18. If not, the local CDC will notify him/her. When applying for a marriage licence, HIV-positive individuals should tell their marital partner and seek medical guidance. HIV-infected individuals should tell potential sex partners before sexual intercourse.
HIV prevention and control regulations in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regionw1112010People's Congress of XinjiangXinjiang Uygur Autonomous RegionHIVIndividuals diagnosed with HIV should notify sex partners in a timely manner.
  • * CDC, Center for Disease Control and Prevention.