Table 1

Estimates of the global incidence and prevalence of TV among adults aged 15–49 years

YearPrevalence estimate (%)New cases (millions)
TotalFemaleMaleEstimation methodTotalFemaleMaleEstimation method
1995Not reportedUnavailable167.1284.5782.55Unavailable
1999Not reportedFemale: 2× the prevalence of Chlamydia.
Male: 1/10 the estimated prevalence of females
173.4687.6885.78Estimated prevalence divided by average duration of infection, number of new cases extrapolated from incidence
20054.488.081.00Female: Compiled data from published reports.
Male: prevalence of other STIs used to calculate TV prevalence for all regions except South-East Asia, for which study data were available
248.48105.63142.85Estimated prevalence divided by revised average duration of infection and regional treatment trends to calculate incidence,
Number of new cases extrapolated from incidence
  • Estimates from the World Health Organization 1999 and 2005 reports on STI incidence and prevalence.1

  • STI, sexually transmitted infection.