Table 1

Demographic characteristics of and use of services by females attending GUM clinics in England in 2011 by sex worker status

Female sex workersOther female attendees
(n=2704)(n=696 941)
Demographic characteristicsn%n%p Value
 <191184.4128 78118.5
 20–2468125.2210 45230.2
 25–2965924.4135 95119.5
 30–3448317.981 06211.6
 35–4452919.688 75212.7
 45+2288.451 8657.4<0.001
 Median29 years25 years<0.001
 White169562.7508 37772.9
 Mixed1294.823 9723.4
 Asian or Asian British993.724 5233.5
 Black or Black British1555.774 02910.6
 Other34612.816 8602.4<0.001
Sexual orientation‡
 Heterosexual249592.3607 33287.1
 Homosexual572.19 3141.3
 Bisexual562.13 0230.4<0.001
Migrant status§
 UK-born85831.7527 06575.6
 Migrant166661.6124 66317.9<0.001
Services used
 Sexual health screen242489.7467 67667.1<0.001
 HIV test¶240589.5443 74064.4<0.001
 Contraception87832.573 70210.6<0.001
 Smear test33712.510 5201.5<0.001
 Vaccination (hepatitis B)**85331.96 5951.0<0.001
  • Significant differences (p Value <0.05) highlighted in bold.

  • *Age was unknown for 6 female sex workers and 78 other female attendees.

  • †Ethnicity was unknown for 280 female sex workers and 49 180 other female attendees.

  • ‡Sexual orientation was unknown for 96 female sex workers and 45 213 other female attendees.

  • §Migrant status was unknown for 180 female sex workers and 45 213 other female attendees.

  • ¶Excluding individuals who were known HIV positive, or where a HIV test was not appropriate (n/2686 for female sex workers and n/689 254 for other female attendees).

  • **Excluding individuals who were hepatitis B immune (n/2676 for female sex workers and n/696 265 for other female attendees).

  • GUM, genitourinary medicine; PEPSE, postexposure prophylaxis for HIV following sexual exposure.