Table 1

Frequency distribution of means of meeting sexual partners for clients at the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center, August 2011—January 2013 (n=7184)

Means of meeting sex partnersn%Social network classification
In person* only242333.7In person
(33.7%; n=2423)
Internet† only159422.2Internet and in person
(30.2%; n=2172)
In person and internet5788.0
GSN phone apps‡ only122217.0Any GSN App
(36%; n=2589)
In person and phone app5838.1
Internet and phone app5027.0
In person, internet and phone app2823.9
  • *In-person communication modes include bar/club; street; private sex party; bathhouse; gym; circuit parties.

  • †Internet communication modes include Manhunt; Adam4Adam; Craigslist; Bareback; DudesNude; Other Internet Site.

  • ‡Phone app communication modes include Grindr; Scruff; Jack'd; Recon; other phone application.