Table 2

χ2 tests for demographics, drugs, and STIs by means of meeting sexual partners, August 2011—January 2013 (n=7184)

Demographic categoryn%
TotalIn person onlyInternet and In personAny GSN appIn person onlyInternet and in personAny GSN app
Age groupp<0.0001
 8th grade or below805012182.10.60.7
 Some high school1125729262.41.31.0
 High school graduate/GED84835125424314.511.79.4
 Some college187463656067826.225.826.2
 College graduate355211401060135247.048.852.2
 Post-graduate study/degree7181892572727.811.810.5
Ecstasy usep=0.0002
Meth usep<0.0001
Nitrate usep<0.0001
Cocaine usep<0.0001
Gonorrhoea infectionp<0.0001
Chlamydia infectionp=0.001
Syphilis infectionp=0.24
HIV infectionp=0.04