Table 3

Correlates of unprotected anal intercourse with regular partners in the past year (N=184)

Bivariate analysisMultivariate analysis*
VariableUAI, n (%)UOR95% CIp ValueAOR95% CIp Value
Age0.89(0.82 to 0.97)0.0050.90(0.81 to 0.99)0.048
 Penang (n=56)45 (80.4)(Reference)(Reference)
 Mainland (n=128)109 (85.2)1.40(0.62 to 3.18)0.4191.31(0.51 to 3.35)0.571
 Secondary or less (n=53)39 (73.6)(Reference)(Reference)
 Diploma or pre-college (n=85)74 (87.1)2.42(1.00 to 5.82)0.4271.42(0.46 to 4.39)0.773
 University or higher (n=46)41 (89.1)2.94(0.97 to 8.94)0.2232.68(0.65 to 11.0)0.197
 Student (n=66)58 (87.9)(Reference)(Reference)
 Employed (n=111)90 (81.1)0.59(0.25 to 1.42)0.4882.03(0.59 to 7.00)0.535
 Unemployed (n=7)6 (85.7)0.83(0.09 to 7.79)0.9471.64(0.14 to 18.8)0.905
Living with male roommates or partners
 No (n=115)92 (80.0)(Reference)
 Yes (n=69)62 (89.9)2.21(0.90 to 5.48)0.085
No. of MSM friends
 0–10 (n=79)63 (79.8)(Reference)
 11 or more (n=105)91 (86.7)1.65(0.75 to 3.62)0.211
Number of regular male partners†
 1 (n=129)110 (85.3)(Reference)
 2 (n=27)24 (89.9)1.38(0.38 to 5.05)0.259
 3 or more (n=28)20 (71.4)0.43(0.17 to 1.12)0.060
Duration of relationship with regular partners
 Less than a year (n=86)70 (81.4)(Reference)
 1–2 years (n=49)42 (85.7)1.37(0.52 to 3.61)0.587
 2 years or more (n=29)24 (82.8)1.10(0.36 to 3.32)0.906
Partner's HIV status
 Don't know (n=142)119 (83.8)(Reference)
 Know (n=42)35 (83.3)0.97(0.38 to 2.44)0.942
Sexual risk reduction agreement
 No (n=150)135 (90.0)(Reference)(Reference)
 Yes (n=34)19 (55.9)0.14(0.06 to 0.33)<0.0010.14(0.05 to 0.40)<0.001
Sexual agreement on casual sex
 No casual sex (n=104)83 (79.8)(Reference)(Reference)
 Had casual sex but no agreement (n=62)58 (93.6)3.67(1.20 to 11.3)0.0112.64(0.78 to 8.85)0.261
 Had casual sex but with agreement (n=18)13 (72.2)0.66(0.21 to 2.05)0.0741.60(0.40 to 6.45)0.984
Alcohol or drug use before or during sex with regular partners†
 No (n=140)115 (82.1)(Reference)
 Yes (n=44)39 (88.6)1.70(0.61 to 4.73)0.313
Female sexual partner†
 No (n=151)127 (84.1)(Reference)
 Yes (n=33)27 (81.8)0.85(0.32 to 2.28)0.747
Difficulty in using condoms
 No (n=113)88 (77.9)(Reference)(Reference)
 Yes (n=71)66 (93.0)3.75(1.36 to 10.3)0.0112.10(0.68 to 6.47)0.199
HIV testing
 Never (n=138)117 (84.8)(Reference)
 Ever (n=46)37 (80.4)0.74(0.31 to 1.75)0.490
Knowledge about HIV transmission (0–10)1.07(0.87 to 1.32)0.528
Any exposure to HIV prevention
 No (n=73)63 (86.3)(Reference)
 Yes (n=111)91 (82.0)0.72(0.32 to 1.65)0.439
  • *Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test, χ2=6.754, df=8, p=0.563.

  • †In the past year.

  • AOR, adjusted OR; MSM, men who have sex with men; UAI, unprotected anal intercourse; UOR, univariate OR.