Table 1

Frequencies and multivariate analysis for cases of primary syphilis, urethral chlamydia, and urethral gonorrhoea

Primary syphilisUrethral chlamydiaUrethral gonorrhoea
Frequency (%)*Adjusted ORp ValueFrequency (%)†Adjusted ORp ValueFrequency (%)‡Adjusted ORp Value
 <35 years110 (0.5)1424 (3)1409 (19.2)1
 >35 years94 (0.7)1.35 (1–1.81)0.05249 (3.3)1.020.78209 (13.5)0.62<0.001
Sexual practices over last 3 months§
 0–1 male partners57 (0.5)1111 (12.8)1
 2–4 male partners71 (0.5)1.09 (0.75–1.59)0.65261 (17)1.39 (1.07–1.8)0.01
 5+ male partners73 (0.6)1.24 (0.85–1.81)0.27239 (19.3)1.63 (1.26–2.12)<0.001
 No IAS, no RAS12 (0.5)1
 IAS and/or RAS, CA51 (0.4)0.80 (0.43–1.51)0.5
 IAS and/or RAS, C <A132 (0.6)1.26 (0.7–2.28)0.44
 No IAS44 (14)1
 IAS, CA169 (15.1)0.98 (0.68–1.42)0.92
 IAS, C < A402 (18.4)1.39 (0.97–1.98)0.07
Sexual practices over the last 12 months§
 <5 male partners195 (2.6)1
 5–10 male partners222 (3.2)1.24 (1.01–1.52)0.04
 10+ male partners256 (3.6)1.37 (1.13–1.67)0.002
 No IAS16 (1.5)1
 IAS, CA194 (2.4)1.72 (1.03–2.88)0.04
 IAS, C <A455 (3.8)2.76 (1.67–4.55)<0.001
  • *For all MSM with at least one male partner in the previous 12 months. Both IAS and RAS were taken into account during analysis. OR adjusted for age and number of male partners.

  • †For MSM who only had male partners in the previous 12 months, tested for chlamydia, from 2006 onwards. IAS only taken into account during analysis (as infections at non-urethral sites irrelevant). OR adjusted for age, number of male partners, and symptoms at triage.

  • ‡For all MSM with at least one male partner in the previous 12 months, tested for gonorrhoea, from 2006 onwards. IAS only taken into account during analysis (as infections at non-urethral sites irrelevant). OR adjusted for age, number of male partners, and symptoms at triage.

  • §For PS and UGC analyses, sexual practices over the last 3 months were analysed. For UCT, sexual practices over the last 12 months were analysed, as it is thought to have a longer incubation period.

  • C<A, condoms used ‘less than always’; CA, condoms ‘always used’; IAS, insertive anal sex; RAS, receptive anal sex.