Table 2

Seroadaptive and conventional risk reduction strategies (n, %) among HIV-negative men* stratified by HIV testing history†, San Francisco, 2011

Tested in last six months,
Did not test in last six months,
n%n%p Value
Seroadaptive and other harm reduction behaviours0.001
 No sex147.84023.4
 No anal sex42.263.5
 100% condom6636.94626.9
 Pure serosorting5530.75532.2
 Condom serosorting168.9127.0
 No strategy73.931.8
Behaviour categories‡0.254
 Conventional risk reduction (no UAI)8446.99253.8
 Any seroadaptive behaviour8849.27644.4
  • *HIV serostatus based on self-reported result of most recent HIV test.

  • †Excludes seven HIV-negative men with missing data on date of last HIV test.

  • ‡Behavioural category p value compares the frequency of behaviour categories (ie, conventional risk reduction behaviours vs seroadaptive behaviours vs no strategy) rather than specific strategies).

  • UAI, unprotected anal intercourse.