Table 1

Confirmed* and treated urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infections, promptly treated and delayed treated infections, loss to follow-up and overtreated, in high-risk male patients, STI Outpatient Clinic, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2008–2011

Confirmed CT treated†Promptly treated‡Delayed treated§Loss to follow-up¶Overtreatment**
2008–2009885††/901 (98.2%)790‡‡/901 (87.7%)95§§/901 (10.5%)16¶¶/901 (1.8%)1619***/2382 (68.0%)
2010–20112121†††/2171 (97.7%)1625‡‡‡/2171 (74.9%)496§§§/2171 (22.8%)50¶¶¶/2171 (2.3%) 2630****/4106 (64.1%)
  • *Confirmed with Aptima CT assay (Genprobe, USA).

  • †Proportion (%) at the clinic treated CT infections, out of all Aptima CT assay confirmed infections.‡Proportion (%) promptly (at initial visit) treated CT infections, out of all Aptima CT assay confirmed infections.

  • §Proportion (%) delayed (at return visit) treated CT infections, out of all Aptima CT assay confirmed infections.

  • ¶Proportion (%) of untreated CT infections (not treated at the STI outpatient clinic) out of all Aptima CT assay confirmed infections, 12 weeks after the confirmed diagnosis became available.

  • **Proportion (%) overtreated patients was those who received treatment upon a false positive Gram stain (negative Aptima CT assay) out of all infections that had to be treated upon a positive Gram stain.††The cases with a confirmed CT that were treated at the clinic were calculated as follows (see left flow chart and legend of figure 1): 751+39 (those already treated)+1 (not according to point-of-care (POC) protocol treated at the second visit)+94 (treated at the second visit)=885.‡‡The cases with a confirmed CT that were treated promptly (at initial visit) were calculated as follows (see left flow chart and legend of figure 1): 751+39 (in the ‘already treated’ boxes)=790.§§The cases with a confirmed CT with delayed treatment (at the second visit) were calculated as follows (see left flow chart and legend of figure 1): 94 (treated at second visit)+1 (not according to POC protocol treated at the second visit)=95.¶¶The loss to follow-up cases were calculated as follows (see left flow chart and legend of figure 1): 13 (in the ‘loss to follow-up box’)+3 (exceptions in the ‘already treated box’)=16.

  • ***The cases that were overtreated based on a false positive Gram stain (see left flow chart and legend of figure 1): 1619 (in the ‘overtreated box’).†††The cases with a confirmed CT that were treated at the clinic were calculated as follows (see right flow chart and legend of figure 1): 1452+37+136 (those already treated)+96+394 (those treated at the second visit)+6 (not according to POC protocol treated at the second visit)=2121.‡‡‡The cases with a confirmed CT that were treated promptly (at initial visit) were calculated as follows (see right flow chart and legend of figure 1): 1452+37+136 (in the ‘already treated boxes’)=1625.§§§The cases with a confirmed CT with delayed treatment (at the second visit) were calculated as follows (see right flow chart and legend of figure 1): 96+394 (treated at second visit)+6 (not according to POC protocol treated at the second visit)=496.¶¶¶The cases of loss to follow-up were calculated as follows (see right flow chart and legend of figure 1): 12+35 (in the ‘loss to follow-up boxes’)+3 (3 exceptions in the ‘already treated box’)=50.****The cases that were overtreated based on a false positive Gram stain (see right flow chart and legend of figure 1): 2630 (in the ‘overtreated box’).

  • STI, sexually transmitted infection.