Table 1

Core indicators for sexual behaviour and sociodemographic characteristics of respondents in the Danish sexual behaviour survey

ECDC-suggested core indicators in youth*Included variables in the Danish sexual behaviour surveyData handling of included variables
▸ Sexual orientation▸ Sexual orientation▸ Categorised into: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, other
▸ Age at sexual debut or at least proportion of sexually active at age 15▸ Age at sexual debut
▸ Age difference between index person and partner at sexual debut
▸ Age at sexual debut: mean (SD) and grouped into: 10–13, 14–18, 19–24, 25–28
▸ Age difference categorised into: partner younger, no difference, partner 1–5 years older, partner more than 5 years older
▸ Use of contraception at sexual debut▸ Use of contraception at sexual debut (‘Did you or your partner use…’)▸ Contraception categorised into: dual protection†, condom alone, non-condom contraception alone†, no contraception (If men reported ‘Do not know’, they were categorised as having used ‘No contraception’)
▸ Number of sexual partners during the last year▸ Number of sexual partners during the last year▸ Categorised into four groups for each period of time: no partner, 1 partner, 2–5 partners, >5 partners
▸ Use of contraception at last sexual encounter during the last year, including type of partner (steady, casual or paid)▸ Use of contraception at last sexual encounter during the last year, including type of partner (steady or casual‡)▸ For both steady and casual‡ partner, use of contraception is categorised into: dual protection†, condom alone, non-condom contraception alone†, no contraception (If men reported ‘Do not know’, they were categorised as having used ‘No contraception’)
▸ Experience of HIV testing (ever tested, date and result)▸ Experience of HIV testing and other STIs (ever tested)▸ History of test dichotomised into: ever tested yes/no
▸ Having paid for sex in the last 12 months and condom use at last paid sexual intercourse▸ Have ever paid for sex▸ Dichotomised into: ‘Had ever paid for sex’ or not
▸ Knowledge of HIV (UNGASS 13)▸ Not included▸ Not included
▸ Sociodemographic indicators: level of education and nationality/ethnic origin▸ Sociodemographic indicators: ethnicity§, ongoing and highest completed education, highest level of parents’ education▸ Ethnicity: Danish, Western or non-Western immigrants§
▸ Ongoing and completed education (in years)¶:≤10, 11–15, >15
▸ Highest level of parents’ education (in years)¶: ≤10, 11–15, >15
  • *Refs.8 ,9

  • †Dual protection indicated both condom and non-condom contraception. Non-condom contraception encompassed hormonal contraception methods, intrauterine devices and barrier methods.

  • ‡Steady and casual partners are defined based on the item: ‘Would you say that you have/have had a steady relationship with this person?’

  • §Categorised according to the definition of developed countries by Statistics Denmark.20

  • ¶Classified according to UNESCO's classification as low (≤10 years), middle (11–15 years) and higher education (>15 years).

  • ECDC, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control; STI, sexually transmitted infection; UNGASS, United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS.