Table 1

Characteristics of FSWs and their primary, non-commercial male partners in two Mexico–US border cities

Characteristic*n (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)
  Lives in Tijuana48 (31.2)75 (41.4)123 (36.7)83 (43.9)
  Mean age in years (SD)37.5 (9.3)34.4 (8.9)35.8 (9.2)
  Average monthly income ≥2500 pesos (US$∼200)95 (63.8)111 (63.8)206 (63.8)
 Ever forced or coerced to have sex19 (12.5)52 (29.2)71 (21.5)
 Ever physically abused33 (21.7)57 (32.2)90 (27.4)
 Arrested (past 6 months)58 (39.2)35 (20.0)93 (28.8)
 Injected any drugs (past 6 months)†81 (54.7)110 (63.2)191 (59.3)
 Concurrent partners (past 6 months)2 (1.4)19 (10.8)21 (6.5)
 FSW had regular clients (past month)131 (74.0)
 FSW always used condoms with clients (past 6 months)67 (41.6)
 Male partner traded sex (past 6 months)9 (6.1)
 Male partner had sex with a man (past 6 months)7 (4.7)
 Cumulative HIV/STI test results‡
  HIV positive3 (2.0)10 (5.5)13 (3.9)
  Syphilis positive5 (3.4)10 (5.8)15 (4.7)
  Chlamydia positive9 (5.9)29 (16.3)38 (11.5)
  Gonorrhoea positive1 (0.7)5 (2.8)6 (1.8)
 Cumulative HIV/STI test result disclosure§
  Disclosed all STI/HIV test results143 (93.5)147 (82.1)290 (87.4)
  Disclosed all HIV test results147 (96.1)154 (87.5)301 (91.5)
  Disclosed all STI test results (excluding HIV)133 (93.7)146 (83.9)279 (88.3)
 Cohabitation182 (99.5)
 Mean partnership duration in years (SD)5.0 (4.2)
 Receives financial support from partner131 (86.8)143 (80.8)274 (83.5)
 Mean trust of partner (10-point scale)¶ (SD)8.4 (1.7)8.2 (1.7)8.3 (1.7)
 Mean partnership satisfaction (20-point scale)** (SD)14.5 (1.5)13.6 (2.4)14.0 (2.1)
 Victim of conflict within partnership††132 (86.3)134 (75.3)266 (80.4)
 Perpetrator of conflict within partnership††130 (85.0)145 (81.5)275 (83.1)
 Any needle/syringe sharing with partner (past 6 months)34 (18.5)
 Alcohol use before/during sex with partner (past 6 months)19 (10.4)
 Drug use before/during sex with partner (past 6 months)73 (42.7)
  Injection drug use only‡‡29 (39.7)
  Non-injection drug use only§§29 (39.7)
  Both injection and non-injection drug use¶¶15 (20.5)
 Sexual behaviour within partnership (past month)
  Mean # of vaginal sex acts (SD)9.7 (6.2)
  Mean # of anal sex acts (SD)1.0 (2.9)
  Never used condoms during vaginal sex159 (89.3)
  • Numbers may not sum to column totals due to missing values; Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding.

  • *All individual-level and partnership-level characteristics were measured at visit 2, except STI/HIV test results and STI/HIV test result disclosure (both cumulative).

  • †Drugs include: heroin, crack, cocaine and methamphetamine.

  • ‡STI/HIV tests performed at visits 2, 3 and 4.

  • §STI/HIV test result disclosure measured at visits 3, 4 and 5.

  • ¶Higher scores indicate greater trust.

  • **5-item Satisfaction with Married Life scale (higher scores indicate greater satisfaction).

  • ††Conflict=psychological aggression, physical assault, injury or sexual coercion based on 8 items of the Revised Conflict Tactics scale—Short Form (CTS2S).

  • ‡‡100% injected heroin alone; 14% injected methamphetamine alone; 3% injected heroin and methamphetamine together.

  • §§69% smoked methamphetamine; 14% smoked crack; 10% inhaled cocaine; 3% smoked heroin.

  • ¶¶100% injected heroin; 93% smoked methamphetamine; 20% swallowed tranquilisers; 7% used inhalants.

  • FSW, female sex worker; STI, sexually transmitted infection.