Table 1

Prevalence of chlamydia infection detected in urine and of self-reported testing and diagnosis by sex (sexually experienced 16–24 year olds)

WomenMenDenominator* (weighted, unweighted)
%95% CI%95% CIWomenMen
Prevalent chlamydia infection detected in urine3.12.2 to to 3.4597, 992625, 840
Tested for chlamydia in the last year54.251.4 to 56.934.631.9 to 37.4966, 17361003, 1375
Offered, not tested for chlamydia in the last year8.36.9 to to 10.4966, 17351001, 1373
Diagnosed with chlamydia in the last year3.02.2 to to 3.0962, 1727992, 1364
Ever diagnosed with chlamydia12.310.6 to to 6.7962, 1727992, 1364
  • *Denominators for recent testing/offer of testing and for diagnosis (recent or ever) differ due to item-missingness.

  • 95% CI of unadjusted OR and p values for unadjusted and adjusted OR are presented in full in the online supplementary material.