Table 1

The frequency of clinical features and laboratory findings among men with adenovirus urethritis

All men (n=102)
No. (%, 95% CI)
Heterosexual men (n=61)
No. (%, 95% CI)
MSM (n=41)
No. (%, 95% CI)
p Value
Urethral discharge46 (45, 36 to 55)27 (44, 32 to 57)19 (46, 32 to 62)0.84
 Urethral discomfort49 (48, 38 to 58)26 (43, 31 to 55)23 (56, 41 to 71)0.18
 Dysuria85 (83, 75 to 90)50 (82, 70 to 90)35 (85, 72 to 94)0.65
 Severe dysuria14 (14, 8 to 21)7 (11, 5 to 21)7 (17, 8 to 31)0.42
 Urethral discharge60 (59, 49 to 68)32 (51, 40 to 65)28 (68, 53 to 81)0.11
 Meatitis85 (83, 75 to 90)52 (85, 75 to 93)33 (80, 66 to 91)0.53
 Conjunctivitis39 (38, 29 to 48)25 (41, 29 to 54)14 (34, 21 to 50)0.47
Laboratory findings
 Urethral microscopy
  <5 PMNLs/HPF49 (63, 52 to 73)29 (63, 48 to 76)20 (62, 45 to 78)0.96
  ≥5 PMNLs/HPF29 (37, 27 to 48)17 (37, 24 to 52)12 (37, 21 to 55)
 Urethral gonorrhoea
  Positive4 (4, 1 to 10)2 (4, 0.6 to 12)2 (5, 0.8 to 16)
 Urethral chlamydia
  Positive2 (2, 0.3 to 6)1 (20.08 to 8.7)1 (2, 0.1 to 11)
 Urethral Mycoplasma genitalium
  Positive1 (1, 0.05 to 5)01 (30.1 to 13)
 Urethral herpes simplex virus
 Conjunctival adenovirus
  Positive23 (85, 68 to 95)16 (89, 68 to 98)7 (78, 44 to 96)0.44
  • HPF, high power field; MSM, men who have sex with men; PMNLs, polymorphonuclear leucocytes.