Table 2

Demographic characteristics: convenience surveys relative to Natsal-3

Median age (IQR)41 (27–48)36 (27–45)33 (27–40)30 (24–40)
Age group
 18–2416.5% (11.2% to 23.7%)15.9%13.4%28.4%
 25–3425.1% (18.5% to 33.0%)30.5%42.8%35.3%
 25–4417.4% (10.5% to 27.4%)27.1%30.4%21.9%
 45–6441.0% (31.8% to 50.9%)26.5%13.4%14.4%
 p Value0.005<0.001<0.001
Academic qualifications
 Degree-level qualification38.7% (29.7% to 48.6%)47.8%45.9%
 Higher education, A-level or equivalent18.9% (12.6% to 27.3%)33.7%38.1%
 GCSE, O-level or equivalent32.2% (24.2% to 41.3%)15.9%14.5%
 None10.2% (5.5% to 18.1%)2.6%1.5%
 p Value<0.001<0.001
 Employed70.6% (61.3% to 78.5%)66.7%88.0%70.4%
 Other/unemployed29.4% (21.5% to 38.7%)33.3%12.0%29.6%
 p Value0.396<0.0010.902
Ethnicity (binary)
 White96.3% (89.7% to 98.7%)83.3%
 Non-white3.7% (1.3% to 10.3%)16.7%
 p Value0.001
London resident
 No78.8% (68.1% to 86.6%)62.1%
 Yes21.2% (13.4% to 31.9%)37.9%
 p Value0.003
Urban area
 Rural or town area (<10 000)15.4% (9.3% to 24.4%)9.6%
 Urban area (>10 000)84.6% (75.6% to 90.7%)90.4%
 p Value0.060
 England85.2% (77.0% to 90.8%)89.6%
 Scotland7.6% (3.9% to 14.0%)7.3%
 Wales7.2% (3.5% to 14.3%)3.1%
 p Value0.047
Sexual identity
 Gay62.4% (52.0% to 71.7%)84.7%94.4%90.8%
 Bisexual16.8% (10.6% to 25.6%)10.6%5.1%8.4%
 Heterosexual20.8% (13.3% to 30.9%)0.3%0.3%0.2%
 p Value<0.001<0.001<0.001
Attraction scale
 Opposite sex only6.7% (2.8% to 15.1%)0.0%
 More often opposite sex, and at least once same sex13.6% (7.8% to 22.7%)2.3%
 About equally often to opposite sex and same sex9.5% (5.6% to 15.6%)3.6%
 More often same sex, and at least once opposite sex34.8% (26.2% to 44.6%)16.4%
 Same sex only35.5% (26.8% to 45.2%)77.7%
 p Value<0.001
 Denominator148, 15015 5007971234
  • p Values from χ2 test compared with Natsal-3.

  • EMIS, European MSM (men who have sex with men) Internet Survey; GMSHS, Gay Men's Sexual Health Survey; Natsal-3, National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles.