Table 2

Demographic characteristics of those tested for chlamydia in the past year, by location of test—women

 Characteristics of women reporting a chlamydia test in the past yearMultinomial regression analysis
Tested in sexual health (GUM) clinicTested in GPTested in other settingsTested in GP vs GUMTested in other settings vs GUM
%95% CI%95% CI%95% CIRRR95% CI)RRR95% CI
Age (years)
 16–2456.850.7 –62.647.142.8–51.565.260.2–
Country of residence
Relationship status
 Live with a partner (including married)28.423.4–34.146.341.9– 50.837.932.9–
 In a steady ongoing relationship31.326.4–36.629.825.9–34.033.829.4–38.50.580.41–0.840.810.55–1.20
 Not in a steady relationship40.334.9–46.023.920.5–27.828.324.0–33.00.360.25–0.530.530.36 –0.77
Education level*
 No academic qualifications7.55.2–10.611.48.8––
 Academic qualifications typically gained at age 1628.823.8–34.333.729.6–38.027.623.4–32.20.830.49– 1.401.000.55–1.83
 Studying for/attained further academic qualifications63.758.1–69.154.950.5–59.365.360.4–69.90.610.38–0.981.070.61–1.88)
Student in full-time education
Area of residence
Denominator (unwt, wt)457, 265650, 384503, 284
  • Denominator is those aged 16–44 years reporting at least one partner in the past year.

  • *Participants coded as per their highest academic attainment. Excludes those aged <17 years or with foreign qualifications.

  • †Denominator is smaller for some analyses due to missing data: 3 women had missing data for relationship status; 60 women had missing education level.

  • GP, general practice; GUM, genitourinary medicine; RRR, unadjusted relative risk ratio for testing in GP/other settings, compared with testing in GUM; unwt, unweighted denominator; wt, weighted denominator.