Table 2

Anonymous feedback questionnaire responses, by duration of patient clinic visit

Time in clinic (n/N, %) Total (N=24)
<1 hour (N=10)1–2 hours (N=11)>2 hours (N=3)
Amount of time in clinic was acceptable9/9 (100.0)10/10 (100.0)1/3 (33.3)20/22 (90.9)
‘Sample first’ approach was acceptable9/10 (90.0)11/11 (100.0)3/3 (100.0)23/24 (95.8)
Liked idea of having results in same clinical visit8/10 (80.0)11/11 (100.0)3/3 (100.0)22/24 (91.7)
Were waiting for CT/NG test results beyond clinical consultation9/10 (90.0)4/10 (40.0)2/3 (66.7)15/23 (65.2)
Found service better than at previous visits5/9 (56.0)*8/9 (88.9)1/1 (100.0)14/19 (73.7)
  • *The remaining 4/9 (44.4%) found the service to be the same as before.

  • CT/NG, Chlamydia trachomatis/Neisseria gonorrhoeae.