Table 2

Crude and adjusted ORs of use of online services compared with use of clinic services for STI testing in Lambeth and Southwark by age group, gender, ethnic group, sexual orientation, positivity and stratified by gender

Exposure variableTotal population (n=5726)Men only (n=2481)Women only (n=3245)
Crude OR (95% CI)Adjusted OR (95% CI)†Adjusted OR‡ (95% CI)Adjusted OR‡  (95% CI)
Age group (years)
 16–201 (ref)1 (ref) 1 (ref)1 (ref)
 20–252.63** (2.04 to 3.38)2.11** (1.77 to 3.08)1.71* (1.00 to 2.94)2.42** (1.73 to 3.39)
 25–302.88** (2.24 to 3.69)2.33** (2.03 to 3.50)2.10* (1.24 to 3.56)2.45** (1.75 to 3.43)
 30–352.01** (1.54 to 2.62)1.65** (1.43 to 2.57)1.47 (0.85 to 2.54)1.77 (1.23 to 2.56)
 35+0.98 (0.76 to 1.28)0.88 (0.78 to 1.39)0.81 (0.47 to 1.39)0.91 (0.63 to 1.32)
 Male1 (ref)1 (ref)
 Female1.75** (1.57 to 1.95)1.82** (1.63 to 2.10)
Ethnic group
 White British1 (ref)1 (ref)1 (ref)1 (ref)
 White other0.33** (0.28 to 0.38)0.34** (0.29 to 0.41)0.36** (0.28 to 0.48)0.34** (0.27 to 0.42)
 Black African0.13** (0.11 to 0.17)0.18** (0.15 to 0.23)0.17** (0.12 to 0.24)0.19** (0.14 to 0.26)
 Black Caribbean0.27** (0.22 to 0.33)0.36** (0.29 to 0.45)0.26** (0.18 to 0.37)0.44** (0.33 to 0.58)
 Black other0.12** (0.98 to 0.16)0.16** (0.12 to 0.20)0.09** (0.06 to 0.15)0.21** (0.15 to 0.29)
 Mixed white black African or Caribbean0.62* (0.47 to 0.82)0.71* (0.53 to 0.95)0.51* (0.30 to 0.86)0.83 (0.58 to 1.19)
 South Asian0.34** (0.22 to 0.52)0.41** (0.26 to 0.65)0.51* (0.27 to 0.93)0.32** (0.17 to 0.62)
 Any other ethnic group0.20** (0.16 to 0.24)0.22** (0.18 to 0.27)0.26** (0.19 to 0.36)0.20** (0.15 to 0.26)
 Not stated0.07** (0.50 to 0.11)0.09** (0.06 to 0.13)0.06** (0.03 to 0.14)0.10** (0.06 to 0.17)
Sexual orientation
 Heterosexual1 (ref)1 (ref)1 (ref)1 (ref)
 Homosexual1.32* (1.12 to 1.56)2.23** (1.81 to 2.74)1.83** (1.45 to 2.31)5.05** (2.55 to 10.00)
 Bisexual1.96** (1.42 to 2.69)2.10** (1.47 to 3.01)2.23* (1.28 to 3.87)1.90* (1.20 to 3.04)
 Unknown0.26** (0.18 to 0.38)0.36** (0.24 to 0.55)0.46* (0.23 to 0.93)0.33** (0.20 to 0.54)
Tested positive for chlamydia or gonorrhoea
 No1 (ref)1 (ref)1 (ref)1 (ref)
 Yes0.27** (0.22 to 0.33)0.30** (0.24 to 0.38)0.35** (0.25 to 0.49)0.26** (0.19 to 0.37)
 IMD quintile1.29** (1.21 to 1.37)1.09* (1.02 to 1.17)1.12* (1.00 to 1.24)1.07 (0.98 to 1.18)
  • Missing data for 16 observations for IMD and  8  observations for ethnic group. Missing data excluded from multivariate analysis.

  • IMD quintile range 1=5,  where  1=most  deprived and 5=least  deprived entered into the model as a continuous variable (base = 1).

  • *P≤0.05, **P≤0.001.

  • †Adjusted for age group, gender, ethnic group, sexual orientation, IMD quintile, tested positive for chlamydia or gonorrhoea.

  • ‡Adjusted for age group, ethnic group, sexual orientation, IMD quintile, tested positive for chlamydia or gonorrhoea.

  • IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation.