Table 1

Descriptive characteristics among FSWs in Ukraine (n=4906)

Age (years)
 Median (IQR)28 (20;38)
Age at first sexual intercourse (years)
 Median (IQR)16 (15;19)
Age at first sex work (years)
 Median (IQR)20 (14;26)
Education level
 <9 years of schooling1052.1
 9 years of schooling56311.5
 11 years of secondary school228346.5
 Vocational school162133.0
 University degree3346.8
Marital status
 Married living with husband2144.4
 Married living with other SP1372.8
 Married living alone4058.3
 Unmarried living with SP92218.8
 Unmarried living alone322865.8
Employment status (besides sex work)
 Have casual earnings141428.8
 Have a permanent job56511.5
Condom use with last paying partner
Condom use with last non-paying partner
 I had no such partner301861.5
Alcohol use in the last 30 days
 Every day117123.9
 More than once a week227446.4
 Less than once a week111422.7
Drug use ever in life
 I used before, now I don't84717.3
 No, never used drugs350471.4
Injection drug use in the last 12 months
Sex work venue: outdoors
Sex work venue: indoors
Sex work venue: phone/internet
  • *Unemployed by official records as sex work is not considered to be official occupation and cannot give official employment status (recognised by the government of Ukraine).

  • †Incapacitated—those who are receiving social security because of the limited employment due to disability.

  • FSWs, female sex workers; SP, sexual partner.