Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics, reported sexual history and hygiene management and reproductive tract infections among adolescent school girls in Mwanza City, Tanzania

Participant reported having had penile-vaginal sexAll
Total 16342%22358%386100%
Sociodemographic characteristics
Age (years)
Born in
 Mwanza region11872%17277%29075%
 Other region4528%5123%9625%
Lives with
 Mother (+/-father/other person)9860%14766%24563%
 Father (+/-other person, but not mother)127%125%246%
 Does not live with mother or father5333%6429%11730%
Number of people in household
 8 or more4829%7433%12232%
SES indicator (possessions)
 TV, but no car7647%8940%16543%
 Cell phone, no car or TV7345%11049%18347%
 None of the above64%84%144%
Nights outside home, last 3 months
 One or more2515%219%4612%
Hygiene behaviour
Menstrual hygiene management
 Reusable cloth6037%9040%15039%
 Sanitary pads13382%14967%28273%
 Tampons or toilet paper11%21%31%
Intravaginal cleansing
 No cleansing12174%20793%32885%
 Plain water2314%115%349%
 Cloth, cotton wool, detergents21%00%21%
Method of cleaning after defecation
 Water only14991%19387%34289%
 Toilet paper96%2210%318%
Direction of cleaning after defecation
 Front to back11872%17679%29476%
 Back to front4528%4721%9224%
Sexual behaviour
Touched penis with hands1912%31%226%
Man/boy touched vagina with hands3421%10%359%
Had penis in her mouth21%10%31%
Receptive oral sex85%10%92%
Penis rubbed against her genitals (without penetration)96%00%92%
Anal sex*21%00%21%
Number of life-time (penile-vaginal sex) partners
 Three or more96%
Age of first sexual partner
 <1 year older1610%
 1–2 years older3119%
 2–3 years older3018%
 >3 years older6439%
 Don’t know/no answer2213%
Frequency of condom use with current/latest partner
 Some of the time2415%
 Don’t know/no answer32%
BV, vaginal yeast and sexually transmitted infections
BV (Nugent 7–10)5333%4219%9525%
Intermediate (Nugent 4–6)1710%125%297%
Vaginal yeast106%115%215%
Chlamydia trachomatis 85%10%92%
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 42%42%82%
Trichomonas vaginalis 159%21%174%
Mycoplasma genitalium 64%31%92%
Active syphilis00%00%00%
Human papillomavirus—any genotype†8452%4118%12533%
Herpes simplex virus-253%42%92%
  • *Missing data for one participant.

  • †Missing data for two participants.

  • BV, bacterial vaginosis; SES, socioeconomic status.