Table 2

Human papillomavirus DNA detection among men who have sex with men (n=253)

HPV typeAnalPenilePenile/Anal
A. HPV DNA positivity, n (%)
Any type7429.42911.68734.4
High-risk types*
 Any high-risk types5220.6176.86224.5
 73 (MM9)10.410.420.8
 Age at recruitment (years)
 45+ (max 50)12000120
Low-risk types†
 Any low-risk types3815.11564718.6
 84 (MM8)0010.410.4
Age at recruitment (years)
 45+ (max 50)12000120
 Vaccine-preventable types
B. Detection of m ultiple HPV types
Any type
4-valent vaccine types
9-valent vaccine types
  • *High-risk types included type 26, 69, 70 and 82 (MM4), but no one in this sample was detected as such.

  • †Low-risk types included type 55, 61, 64, 71 (CP8061), 72, 81 (CP8304), 83 (MM7), 82V and 89 but no one in this sample was detected as such.

  • HPV, human papillomavirus.