Table 2

Comparison of demographics, clinical history and sexual behaviour between the spontaneous clearance and no spontaneous clearance groups

Spontaneous clearance group (n=83)No spontaneous clearance group (n=322)P value
Age (years), mean (SD)30.4 (9.72)29.4 (9.90)0.380*
(Min;Max)(18.1;70.2)(16.1; 69.5)
Gender, n (%)
 Female19 (22.9)97 (30.1)0.188
 Male64 (77.1)224 (69.8)
 Trans01 (0.3)
Sexual orientation (men), n (%)
 Heterosexual10 (15.6)24 (10.7)0.283
 MSM54 (84.4)200 (89.3)
Number of partners in the last 3 months, median (IQR) 3 (1–4)
2 (1–5)0.966‡
Number of previous NG episodes, n (%)
 None/unknown46 (55.4)188 (58.4)0.434
 One26 (31.3)80 (24.8)
 Two or more11 (13.3)54 (16.8)
HIV status, n (%)
 Negative62 (74.7)210 (65.2)0.213
 Positive8 (9.6)52 (16.1)
 Unknown13 (15.7)60 (18.6)
Concurrent CT, n (%)
 Negative72 (88.9)245 (78.0)0.029
 Positive9 (11.1)69 (22.0)
Interval between last sexual contact and enrolment test (days), median (IQR)
 14 (6–28)
14 (7–28)0.978‡
Genital discharge, n (%)
 No74 (89.2)269 (83.5)0.205
 Yes9 (10.8)53 (16.5)
Dysuria, n (%)
 No79 (95.2)280 (87.0)0.035
 Yes4 (4.8)42 (13.0)
Bleeding symptoms (intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding), n (%)
 No17 (89.5)79 (81.4)0.521†
 Yes2 (10.5)18 (18.6)
Rectal symptoms (rectal discharge, pain, bleeding, tenesmus or constipation), n (%)
 No79 (95.2)301 (93.5)0.566
 Yes4 (4.8)21 (6.5)
Pharyngeal symptom—sore throat, n (%)
 No66 (79.5)268 (83.2)0.428
 Yes17 (20.5)54 (16.8)
NAAT platform used for pretrial testing, n (%)
 Hologic Aptima combo 2 Assay60 (72.3)248 (77.0)0.270
 Becton Dickinson ProbeTec ET CT/NG Amplified DNA Assay21 (25.3)59 (18.3)
 Other2 (2.4)15 (4.7)
  • *Independent sample t-test.

  • †Fisher’s exact test for data with group size <5.

  • ‡Mann-Whitney U test for non-normally distributed data.

  • CT, Chlamydia trachomatis; MSM, man who has sex with men; NAAT, Nucleic acid amplification test; NG, Neisseria gonorrhoeae.