Table 3

Performance of several risk scores for infectious syphilis among MSM; Amsterdam Centre for Sexual Health, July 2018–July 2019

Risk score*Cut-off†Infectious syphilis among those with a score of at least the cut-offInfectious syphilis among those with a score below the cut-offSensitivity
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
AUC% to be tested
Score A11.0220/1,270318/20,37640.9 (36.7 to 45.2)95.0 (94.7 to 95.3)0.68115.9
Score A20.9220/1,226318/20,42040.9 (36.7 to 45.2)95.2 (94.9 to 95.5)0.68465.7
Score B11.0218/1,206320/20,44040.5 (36.3 to 44.8)95.3 (95.0 to 95.6)0.68115.6
Score B21.5218/1,206320/20,44040.5 (36.3 to 44.8)95.3 (95.0 to 95.6)0.68465.6
Score C11.0218/1,206320/20,44040.5 (36.3 to 44.8)95.3 (95.0 to 95.6)0.68115.6
Score C21.5218/1,206320/20,44040.5 (36.3 to 44.8)95.3 (95.0 to 95.6)0.68465.6
  • *Risk scores are based on the multivariable models as explained in table 2. Risk scores A1, B1 and C1 are based on a summation of all risk factors, each with identical weight (one). Risk scores A2, B2 and C2 are based on a summation of the weights of all risk factors, the weight being identical to the regression coefficient of a factor in the multivariable model (see table 2).

  • †Based on the Youden Index.

  • AUC, area under the curve; MSM, men who have sex with men.