Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants in Zhuhai, China, April–November 2020 (N=211)

VariablesParticipants, n (%)
Age in years, mean (SD)31 (7.9)
 ≤30122 (57.8)
 >3089 (42.2)
 High school or below66 (31.3)
 College130 (61.6)
 Master’s degree or above15 (7.1)
Monthly income (US$)
 <22519 (9.0)
 225–45015 (7.1)
 451–75052 (24.6)
 751–120068 (32.2)
 >120057 (27.1)
Sexual orientation
 Gay129 (61.1)
 Bisexual54 (25.6)
 Others*28 (13.3)
Marital status
 Single173 (82.0)
 Engaged or married24 (11.4)
 Separated or divorced14 (6.6)
Condomless sex with another man in the past year
 Yes90 (42.7)
 No121 (57.3)
Ever tested for HIV
 Yes184 (87.2)
 No27 (12.8)
HIV status
 Negative172 (81.5)
 Positive5 (2.4)
 Not sure†34 (16.1)
Ever tested for HPV
 Yes18 (8.5)
 No193 (91.5)
  • Age data are presented as mean (SD). All other data are presented as n (%).

  • *'Others’ includes heterosexual and uncertain.

  • †'Not sure’ includes individuals who never test for HIV and who do not want to disclose HIV status.